We are a consortium of several organisations and individuals that share the goal of providing free, rapid and global information on climate and water resources. Over the years, the partners have developed methods to combine and interpret water measurements made at ground stations and by satellites orbiting the Earth. They use these to produce up-to-date information on rainfall, air temperature and humidity, soil water, river flows and the volume of water bodies.

In 2022, they teamed up to provide comprehensive climate and water information via the Global Water Monitor. The online data explorer unlocks an extraordinary trove of climate and water data to anyone interested at no cost. The development of the Monitor made it possible to report on the state of our global water resources within a few days or weeks of the event. We produced a first annual report on 2022 to demonstrate that capacity.


Consortium members

The Australian National University, Australia Albert Van Dijk (lead), Jiawei Hou (river flows, lake volumes), Edison Guo (MODIS processing)
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia | GloH2O, USA Hylke Beck, Hamza Kunhu Bangalath (precipitation and weather)
Haizea Analytics Pty Ltd, Australia Pablo Rozas Larraondo, Chamith Edirisinghe (data hosting and analytics)
TU Wien, Austria Wouter Dorigo, Wolfgang Preimesberger (soil water)
Vandersat, Netherlands Richard de Jeu (soil water)
Flowmatters Pty Ltd, Australia Joel Rahman (web development)
German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Germany Andreas Güntner, Eva Boergens (terrestrial water storage)
Aalborg University, Denmark Ehsan Forootan, Nooshin Mehrnegar (terrestrial water storage)
Nanjing University, China Shaoxing Mo (terrestrial water storage)



For more information, contact:

Professor Albert van Dijk

Email   albert.vandijk@anu.edu.au

Fenner School of Environment & Society
Australian National University
Linnaeus Way, Acton 2601 ACT